Strategies for dealing with large data
Introduction to basic strategies for dealing with large data in R
Scraping data from the web with rvest
Introduction to scrape (or harvest) data from web pages
Building dashboards with flexdashboard
and shinydashboard
Introduction to building dashboards in R with flexdashboard
and shinydashboard
Relational databases and SQL basics
Introduction to relational databases and SQL in R
Retrieving data from APIs with httr
Introduction to JSON files and interacting with APIs with httr
Package development with pkgdown
Building a website for R software packages
Reproducibile Workflows with targets
A Make-line pipeline tool for creating reproducible workflows in R
Functional Programming with purrr
Introduction to tools to work with functions and vectors in R
Building R packages
Introduction to building and documenting R packages
Object Oriented Programming
Introduction to S3, S4, or reference class with generics and methods
Version control (Part 2)
Introduction to version control with git and GitHub (part 2)
Version control (Part 1)
Introduction to version control with git and GitHub (part 1)
Advanced command-line tools
Doing more powerful things on the command-line
Introduction to the command-line
Introduction to the command-line for data analysis
Authoring projects and websites with Quarto
Hello Quarto! Or next-generation literate programming