
Schedule and course materials for Statistical Computing (JHSPH Biostatistics 140.776 Fall 2022).

Schedule and course materials

For Qmd files (markdown document with Quarto cross-language executable code), go to the course GitHub repository and navigate the directories, or best of all to clone the repo and navigate within RStudio.

Week Dates Topics Projects
Module 1 Statistical and computational tools for scientific and reproducible research
Week 1 Aug 30 👋 Course introduction [html] [Qmd] 🌴 Project 0 [html] [Qmd]
👩‍💻 Introduction to R and RStudio [html] [Qmd]
🐙 Introduction to git/GitHub [html] [Qmd]
Sept 1 🔬 Reproducible Research [html] [Qmd]
👓 Literate programming [html] [Qmd]
🆒 Reference management [html] [Qmd]
Module 2 Data analysis in R
Week 2 Sept 6 👀 Reading and writing data [html] [Qmd] 🌴 Project 1 [html] [Qmd]
✂️ Managing data frames with Tidyverse [html] [Qmd]
Sept 8 😻 Tidy data and the Tidyverse [html] [Qmd] 🍂 Project 0 due
🤝 Joining data in R: Basics [html] [Qmd]
Module 3 Data visualizations R
Week 3 Sept 13 📊 Plotting systems in R [html] [Qmd]
📊 The ggplot2 plotting system: qplot() [html] [Qmd]
Sept 15 📊 The ggplot2 plotting system: ggplot() [html] [Qmd] 🌴 Project 2 [html] [Qmd]
Sept 16 🍂 Project 1 due
Module 4 Nuts and bolts of R
Week 4 Sept 20 🔩 R Nuts and Bolts [html] [Qmd]
Sept 22 🔩 Control structures in R [html] [Qmd]
🔩 Functions in R [html] [Qmd]
Week 5 Sept 27 🔩 Loop functions [html] [Qmd]
Sept 29 🐛 Debugging code in R [html] [Qmd]
🐛 Error handling code in R [html] [Qmd]
Sept 30 🍂 Project 2 due
Module 5 Special data types in R
Week 6 Oct 4 📆 Working with dates and times [html] [Qmd] 🌴 Project 3 [html] [Qmd]
Oct 6 ✨ Regular expressions [html] [Qmd]
Week 7 Oct 11 🐱 Working with factors [html] [Qmd]
Oct 13 📆 Working with text data and sentiment analysis [html] [Qmd]
Module 6 Best practices for working with data and other languages
Week 8 Oct 18 ☁️ Best practices for data analysies [html] [Qmd]
Oct 20 🐍 Leveraging Python within R [html] [Qmd]
Oct 21 🍂 Project 3 due