Software and data packages


Software packages

Data packages


Software packages

  • R/fasthplus | Provides fast approximations for metrics of discordance or dissimilarity including (1) to evaluate the discordance between two arbitrary sets or (2) to evaluate label fitness (clustering) for a generalized dissimilarity matrix. (Dyjack et al., 2022. Biostatistics).
  • R/OCSdata | Provides functions to access and download data from the Open Case Studies repositories on GitHub. Different functions enable users to grab the data they need at different sections in the case study, as well as download the whole case study repository.
  • R/glmpca | Implements a generalized principal components analysis (GLM-PCA) for dimension reduction of non-normally distributed data such as counts or binary matrices. (Townes et al., 2019. Genome Biology).


Software packages


Software packages

  • R/quantroSim | Supporting data simulation R-package for the quantro R-package to simulate gene expression and DNA methylation data.
  • R/explainr | Translates S3 objects into text using standard templates in a simple and convenient way.
  • postMUT | A tool implemented in Perl and R to predict the functionality of missense mutations.

Data packages

  • trapnell2014myoblasthuman | R data package that contains an ExpressionSet object from Trapnell et al. (2014) that performed a time-series experiment of bulk and single cell RNA-Seq at four time points in differentiated primary human myoblasts.
  • patel2014gliohuman | R data package that contains a SummarizedExpression object from Patel et al. (2014) with single cell and bulk RNA-Seq data on five human glioblastoma tumors.
  • colonCancerWGBS | Cov files produced from Bismark after mapping six paired tumor-normal WGBS samples from Ziller et al. (2013) PMID: 23925113. Only chr22.
  • myAffyData | AffyBatch object from an experiment using P493-6 cells expressing low or high levels of c-Myc. Data from Loven et al. (2012) Cell 151: 476-482.
  • BackgroundExperimentYeast: AffyBatch object from an experiment to measure NSB and optical noise in yeast.